Keep getting this (and this version) stuck in my head. People talking about coffee is the most boring thing to me, and I still like this.
Not sure how much I like this, but I keep listening to it trying to tell, which is something.
Dunno how good this translation is, but DeepL gives: ‘Shadow, ask me to dance’.
I like this one too. Deepl translates the title as ‘Crystal Ball’.
Not having much luck finding her albums anywhere but Youtube.
This channel has some other good stuff.
Another song I got via Fond/Sound.
Deepl translates the title as ‘You are who you are’.
Every other song of hers I see has a good video. Haven’t found any songs I like as much as this. I’ve played it six times already.
Spring playlist time . . .
Another one that kinda reminds me of something (Bad Love?), but this is great anyway.
Going through some songs from this post I found a link to in a text file I’m cleaning up.
Reminds me of 제 연인의 이름은 by Lee Jae Min.
Has those same drum fills a bunch of other similar songs have.
(But?) I’m enjoying the chorus. Maybe noting for practical reasons because it seems like it might fit into a mix.
This is the vocal version of the 12” release.