
Breadcrumbs dropped on music wanderings.

  1. B~r~e~a~k~~~t~i~m~e

  2. W~h~o~o~p~s

  3. 影子,請我跳舞吧 Li Ping Lan

    Not sure how much I like this, but I keep listening to it trying to tell, which is something.

    Dunno how good this translation is, but DeepL gives: ‘Shadow, ask me to dance’.

  4. S~l~e~e~p~~~s~l~e~e~p

  5. 水晶球 Kay Huang

    I like this one too. Deepl translates the title as ‘Crystal Ball’.

    Not having much luck finding her albums anywhere but Youtube.

    This channel has some other good stuff.

  6. 你就是你 Kay Huang

    Another song I got via Fond/Sound.

    Deepl translates the title as ‘You are who you are’.

    Every other song of hers I see has a good video. Haven’t found any songs I like as much as this. I’ve played it six times already.

    Spring playlist time . . .

  7. I~~~g~u~e~s~s~~~t~h~a~t~~~w~a~s~~~i~t

  8. I Don't Want To Talk About It Pamala Stanley

    Another one that kinda reminds me of something (Bad Love?), but this is great anyway.