Another one that kinda reminds me of something (Bad Love?), but this is great anyway.
# Reminder
I Don't Want To Talk About It Pamala Stanley I Never Dance Crysalis Going through some songs from this post I found a link to in a text file I’m cleaning up.
Reminds me of 제 연인의 이름은 by Lee Jae Min.
Has those same drum fills a bunch of other similar songs have.
(But?) I’m enjoying the chorus. Maybe noting for practical reasons because it seems like it might fit into a mix.
This is the vocal version of the 12” release.
Everywhere Fleetwood Mac Been listening to the song Big Love a bunch so tried the album it’s off. Lots of duds on there, but I’d forgotten about this song and I like it a bunch, very sweet. Reminds me a bit of This Must Be The Place.
I remember thinking the chorus was ‘I wanna be with you I do babe’.
シンデレラ・ハネムーン Hiromi Iwasaki Reminds me a bit of Disco Gal.
Lots of Japanese disco seems to not actually be great for dancing to, more just a nice disco vibe for round the house or something.
edit: Lyric video.
Bad Love Cher Kinda in the same boat here as the Marcia Hines entry; probably the only song of Cher’s I actually like, so it was nice to stumble onto it. Cher wrote it, too!
This is from the soundtrack to a film called Foxes, which has another few great songs on there, and was produced by Giorgio Moroder.
Maybe it feels a bit too similar to some other songs (Looking For Some Hot Stuff), but it’s soooo good anyway.
Nosey People Eddie Hooper This one didn’t make the comp., but it’s fun.
Reminds me of Jazz Police a bit D:
That's the Way it is Mel & Kim Jumped from the last one to this one and the instrumental solos are almost identical.
Respectable Mel & Kim Another English group I didn’t know. Thought they might’ve been Australian, still sounds like the ‘Hey Kim’ is said with an Aus accent to me.
Part reminds me of Madonna’s Express Yourself. And Rugrats.
Whenever You're Ready Five Star Wanted to listen to Whenever You’re Ready by the Dynamic Hepnotics and had a goosey at the other songs with the same title.
Never actually heard of this group before, I guess they were more of a UK thing. This song’s pretty neat, but don’t think much of the other ones on YT. It’s eerie how Jackson 5-ey they are.
トキメキがいたくて Chieri Ito Another great Ito Chieri song I first heard on that Idol Bible Whatever album, this one also being a single from her album Chieri.
Gives me Triffids vibes in that softer part, and some of the singing has a nice rhythm to it; kinda slurry.