# Bad singing
Was looking at Youtube comments on a song I like and someone called it sophistipop. That sounded like such a stupid word I looked it up to see if anyone else used it, and ugh, it’s some Internet-person non-genre.
Anyway, I’ve been going through a few sophistipop playlists and found a few things. Mostly it’s just C-tier UK stuff with a bit of Roxy Music sprinkled in.
Singing in this is as annoying as fuck, but someone else could do a good version of this.
Mostly the stuff on there’s Japanese, but here’s something fun from the the poster’s home country. They always post the full album as separate videos, which I prefer.
Have to keep reminding myself that Youtube is pretty crummy for finding new J-Pop, especially if you don’t know Japanese.
Having a search for CoCo songs (prompted by the neat blog JPop80ss) hasn’t turned up much, but this first song is pretty good, and I like the bad singing. The chorus of Yokohama Boy Style is okay, too.
Quite the introduction. I was hoping his songs would get worse and tragicer, and here ya go.