
Breadcrumbs dropped on music wanderings.

  1. Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! (A Man After Midnight) ABBA

    And I guess this is the second best hey.

  2. Voulez-Vous ABBA

    I got real excited dancing to this song once last year. I couldn’t remember having heard it before. Maybe it was just the drugs, maybe it was a different mix, but it seemed to go on a lot longer. The bass was real loud. Definitely best ABBA song.

  3. S~l~e~e~p~~~t~i~m~e

  4. Get It Down Livy Ekemezie

    Dunno how I got here, but this as in a tab I’ve had open for months.

    On the current listen it was really bugging me I couldn’t figure out what it reminded me of. Those bass and twangy electric piano sounds. Clicking on other things realised I’d heard his song Holiday Action a bunch of times on the Doing It In Lagos compilation.

  5. ~

  6. Cosmic Dancer Nick Cave & Warren Ellis

    There was also a Nick Cave version of Cosmic Dancer playing when the documentary subject was close to passing away. Devastating, but such a great fit for a person who seemed to have such a full life of good and bad. It’s stuck with me all day.

    Picked this live version with Warren Ellis to share. I used to listen to The Bad Seeds and Dirty Three a lot when I was in my 20s. It’s nice to connect with something by them both again.

    Never gave T-Rex much time before, but what a lyric.

  7. Black Jacket Odd Bods

    Was a good doco on SBS last night called The Cleaning Company, about a trauma cleaning business and its owner.

    There was a conversation with one of the regular clients and they mentioned they had a band and played a little bit of a song.

    Odd Bods? The Odd Bods? Oddbods Band?

  8. S~l~e~e~p~y